CBD Variety Hemp Leaves

Study observes the use of CBD in Adults and Children with Refractory Epilepsies

CBD has been the focus of a wide variety of research in the past several decades. With the federal legalization of hemp came an influx of biomass on the market, and research material has become more accessible. Studies surrounding CBD have focused on a wide range of topics, including how CBD impacts our bodies and

Study observes the use of CBD in Adults and Children with Refractory Epilepsies Read More ยป

Hemp Farmer

US Hemp Authority Announces Certification Program for Hemp Industry Growers

As the hemp industry matures and grows, the need for education, consistency, and regulation becomes even more important. The US Hemp Authority has announced a program that aims to help promote those qualities in the industry’s professionals. According to an email sent to subscribers of their online newsletter, the US Hemp Authority is teaming up

US Hemp Authority Announces Certification Program for Hemp Industry Growers Read More ยป

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