Hemp News

Why Education on Hemp Matters

Education and Understanding Hemp Products Every day, we are bombarded with countless advertisements, including those for hemp-based products. Brands often highlight cannabinoids, potency, and terpenes, but these terms may mean little to a shopper who isn’t familiar with them. Without context, these terms are just words with no real impact. This is where education plays […]

Why Education on Hemp Matters


Why Do COAs Matter?

When shopping for a hemp product, the term Certificate of Analysis (or COA for short) may appear. While this may just sound like another fancy marketing term, a COA is actually a valuable tool shoppers can use to pick a high quality hemp product that best fits their needs. In fact, COAs matter in a

Why Do COAs Matter?

CBD Variety Hemp Leaves

Study observes the use of CBD in Adults and Children with Refractory Epilepsies

CBD has been the focus of a wide variety of research in the past several decades. With the federal legalization of hemp came an influx of biomass on the market, and research material has become more accessible. Studies surrounding CBD have focused on a wide range of topics, including how CBD impacts our bodies and

Study observes the use of CBD in Adults and Children with Refractory Epilepsies Read More ยป

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